2024 Tax Information
Internal Revenue Service IRS
The IRS official site has information on filing federal taxes along with quick links for common forms and instructions. The site is also available in Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian. Federal forms can be ordered by telephone at 1-800-829-3676.
Internal Revenue Service Forms
Various federal tax forms and instructions for completing them can be found at this site.
Federal Tax Form 1040
Direct link to printable US Individual Income Tax Return – Annual income tax return filed by citizens or residents of the United States.
Colorado Department of Revenue
The Colorado tax site has links to state forms along with information on filing, paying and receiving refunds. Colorado state forms can be ordered by telephone at 303-238-7378.
Family Affordability Tax Credit Information
Colorado’s new Family Affordability Tax Credit will deliver up to $3,200 per child to eligible low-income families in 2025. Find more information on this tax credit at the link above.
*Note: Wellington Public Library does not receive paper tax forms. Forms and instructions can be printed from public computers (10 cents per page). Library staff are unable to offer tax advice.
Tax Preparation Help
Colorado VITA
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) offer FREE preparation and e-filing of Federal and Colorado State income taxes for low income taxpayers and the elderly. Visit the website for a list of locations and what to expect.
My Free Taxes
Qualified taxpayers can prepare their own simple returns online for FREE with telephone and chat support from trained volunteers.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax preparation help to moderate–low income taxpayers, especially those 50 and older. Check the website for local sites near you in addition to helpful articles and information about money management and taxes.
IRS Free File
The IRS offers free e-filing of federal returns for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes under $69,000. The Free File fillable forms are also available to all taxpayers for use in lieu of paper forms.
The Piton Foundation: Tax Help Colorado
Tax Help Colorado offers free tax preparation assistance to families who earn less than about $56,000 a year. Services are available in English and Spanish. To find a location near you and verify language availability, visit the website.